Dismore speaks up for British Library

MayorsQuestionTime In today’s City Hall Plenary  questions  session with  Munira Mirza, Boris Johnson’s Deputy Mayor for Education and Culture , Andrew Dismore, Labour London Assembly member for Barnet and Camden raised the lack of mention of the British  Library in the 2014 ‘Cultural Metropolis’  Mayor’s cultural strategy document.


Mr Dismore said:

“The British Library serves as a resource for researchers in all parts of the country and around the world. Whilst ‘Cultural Metropolis’  looks extensively at the contribution of London’s creative industries;  it fails to mention the role of the British Library as one of the richest resources for creative practitioners in the city. There are over 20,000 creative users of the Library’s Reading Rooms, including authors and writers, artists, film-makers, designers and those from the theatre and performing arts. The Library offers inspiration through its unparalleled collections of literature, journalism, art, sound, music and more, and also offers practical support, through its Business & IP Centre.

“The Library is actively involved with London schools to inspire children and young people and develop their skills, ranging  from hosting school visits to the Library to organising public outreach events aimed at disadvantaged groups. This spring it  held its Sciencetastic! discovery day and  is  proud to be hosting the launch of the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge.

“If the Mayor had consulted on his new strategy before publishing it, omissions such as these could have ben rectified.

“I am pleased to have been able to use the opportunity of today’s plenary to highlight this important  and valuable work”.
