Environment update, November 2016

The Strawberry Vale estate in East Finchley continues to have problems with a major rat infestation, which I have been taking up with local Councillors.

Cllr Arjun Mittra, Andrew Dismore AM, Cllr Alison Moore and Cllr Alon Or-bach

Cllr Arjun Mittra, Andrew Dismore AM, Cllr Alison Moore and Cllr Alon Or-bach

I continue to campaign over the flood risk in parts of Colindale, after the serious flooding last year. Barnet Council have been in liaison with the Environment Agency (EA) with regard to flood mitigation measures on the Silk Stream catchment area, with meetings held on 20th July and 27th September 2016 and a further meeting is scheduled for 8th November 2016. Full funding has still to be agreed, but the Council are anticipating that the Silk Stream project will be one of 8 projects to be allocated funding from the next tranche from the EA. The project scope has been agreed and the aim will be to make space for water during storm events by designating certain areas within open spaces of Montrose and Silk Stream Parks for flood storage. However, the hydraulic modelling and design of the project is likely to take between 18 and 24 months to complete.


Finally a reminder to  visit tfl.gov.uk/airquality-consultation for further detailed information about  the Mayor’s proposals to improve air quality; and  to provide your views, please complete the online survey on our website or alternatively email directly at airqualityconsultation@tfl.gov.uk  The consultation ends 18 December 2016.
