Fire Authority update, November 2016
Last month I reported on the review set up by the Mayor under Anthony Mayer former Chief Executive of the Greater London Authority, into the London Fire Brigade to ensure it has sufficient resources to keep Londoners safe. The review has reported recommending that there should be no further cuts to London Fire Brigade.
I am supporting the LFB campaign over the recall of defectively manufactured white goods, such as tumble dryers, which are responsible for many fires and losses. 108 fires such fires cost Barnet residents over £6 million and 49 such fires cost Camden residents almost £3 million.
I also attended the evaluation conference of Exercise Unified Response, the biggest exercise ever conducted by the fire service last February, on which I reported at the time. There is still considerable work to be done, but it is clear that this EU funded event, involving supporting fire services from other EU countries as well as other UK fire brigades, fully and successfully tested all the emergency and other public services’ response to such a major incident.