Dismore raises Brexit risks to London
At today’s Mayor’s Question Time London Assembly member for Barnet and Camden Andrew Dismore AM questioned Mayor Sadiq Khan over the Government’s Brexit negotiations and the impact of their post Brexit immigration policy. (watch video here)
Mr Dismore said:
‘Would you agree that an immediate risk from the leaked Government immigration document is that EU nationals working here in London are leaving or preparing to leave; and others in the EU who do not see a future here in the UK and are not coming to fill important vacancies in our economy and public services, especially in the NHS for example.
‘Would you also agree that another immediate risk is that the Brexit negotiations so far have been so shambolic, with the Conservatve Government clelarly not listening to the messages coming from the other 27 countries, putting their own party political management above the country’s best interests, there is growing risk that insuffcient progress will have been made by next month to allow trade negotiations even to begin?
‘What can we as Londoners do to kick the Government’s backside into giving some messaging?’
The Mayor responded that discussions he has had with employers showed that EU nationals are returning home as they see no future, and want to be the first in good jobs at home; and we need EU workers to fill jobs in construction, care, hospitality, financial services and other service sectors. The Governement is working in the interest of the Tory Party, not the country and he feared that the EU October progress deadline would not be met.