HS2/Euston update

I received the below update on the HS2/Euston development:

HS2 will be undertaking some relatively substantive ground investigation works shortly around Euston.


In relation to the wider redevelopment plans for Euston, you may also be

aware that HS2 held a station design workshop with residents and community

representatives on 12 September where they  presented an overview of the

current and future masterplanning workstreams covering the following points

in summary:



*   HS2 and NR in are currently undertaking feasibility work on

development above and around the HS2 and Network Rail stations including


*   Master Development Partner (MDP) being procured this year to lead

development at Euston station. MDP will be appointed in January next year.

*   Early 2018 – MDP will lead comprehensive masterplan for development.

*   Proposals will be subject to planning permission.

*   MDP will undertake community engagement on development proposals.


This was the first time HS2 referred publicly to the MDP taking forward the

masterplan and undertaking associated community engagement.


In respect other key workstreams, HS2 continue to progress their station

design work (RIBA 2 in readiness for RIBA 3 to start in January) and Network

Rail continue to work on their feasibility options including the associated

Strategic Outline Business Case (Spring next year). CR2 await of course news

from Govt as to whether their business case will be endorsed before

progressing more detailed plans and community engagement.


Camden with the GLAs support continue to progress the Planning Brief,

however the programme for this will be extended slightly to better align

with the masterplan and MDP appointment. Consultation likely now on a first

draft post elections.


On a slightly different matter Camden are currently carrying out a green

spaces survey locally to ascertain the community’s views on existing and

potential green space issues as the HS2 projects unfolds.






