February 18 MQT written answers

Water safety [1]

Question No: 2018/0525

Andrew Dismore

Does the London Resilience Forum include transport resilience and safety as part of its remit including river and water safety?


The Mayor

The London Resilience Partnership has a range of sector panels whose role is to promote collaboration on resilience issues within specific sectors.  The Transport Sector Panel is chaired by TfL and the newly formed Thames Resilience Panel is chaired by the Port of London Authority.


In addition to the Thames resilience partnership the London Emergency Services Liaison Panel, which also reports to the London Resilience Forum, includes representation from the river sector to ensure effective coordination of services at the scene of an incident on the river.


Safety and Navigation on the tidal River Thames is the responsibility of the Port of London Authority. Two forums are concerned with water safety and are outside the governance of the London Resilience Partnership. They are the Tidal Thames Water Safety Forum  and The River Safety.


Water safety [2]

Question No: 2018/0526

Andrew Dismore

Are river search and rescue organisations represented at London Resilience Forum?


The Mayor

HM Coastguard leads on maritime Search and Rescue.  The agency plays a full part in the work of the London Resilience Partnership, being represented at the Programme Board and at the London Emergency Services Liaison Panel.  Services with a role in search and rescue includes the Metropolitan Police Service, London Fire Brigade, the Port of London Authority and the RNLI.  These agencies, and the riparian boroughs, are represented on the newly formed Thames Resilience Panel chaired by the Port of London Authority. The RNLI also attends the voluntary sector panel of the London Resilience Forum.


Water safety [3]

Question No: 2018/0527

Andrew Dismore

Will you work with, and co-ordinate, with the Boroughs to ensure that riverside public open spaces, including foreshores and embankments, are included within Borough risk registers?


The Mayor

Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.


Water safety [4]

Question No: 2018/0528

Andrew Dismore

The biggest cause of loss of life on the river by drowning is suicide; what do you see as your and TfL’s role in minimising and preventing this risk?


The Mayor

Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.


BCU mergers

Question No: 2018/0529

Andrew Dismore

How much do you expect to save as the result of the merger of Camden and Islington BCU; and how much do you expect to save once the roll out across London has been completed?


The Mayor

Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.


Police station closures [1]

Question No: 2018/0530

Andrew Dismore

How much do you expect to save as the result of the closure of police front counters in a) Barnet, b) Camden, and c) across London?


The Mayor

Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.


Police station closures [2]

Question No: 2018/0531

Andrew Dismore

How many police stations in the last round of closures under the previous Mayor remain unsold?


The Mayor

Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.


Drop in value of Sterling and impact on GLA Procurement

Question No: 2018/0532

Andrew Dismore

What has been the impact on the GLA budget due to the drop in the value of Sterling?


The Mayor

Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Drop in value of Sterling and impact on Police Procurement

Question No: 2018/0533

Andrew Dismore

What has been the impact on the Met Police budget due to the drop in the value of Sterling?


The Mayor

Since Brexit the value of Sterling against both the Dollar and Euro has fallen by an average of 15-18%, though recently there has been a slight recovery.  The price of some goods, especially IT hardware which tends to be valued in Dollars, has increased significantly over this period though the cost of services which are valued in Sterling has only increased in line with inflation.

Potential foreign currency exposure impacts on IT costs and has been registered as a key risk by the Digital Policing (DP) Board, this is monitored through the standing DP risk management processes.  The IT budgets includes a provision for inflation including such foreign currency impacts and this position is actively managed over the year to deliver IT services within budget.


Drop in value of Sterling and impact on TfL Procurement

Question No: 2018/0534

Andrew Dismore

What has been the impact on TfL’s budget due to the drop in the value of Sterling?


The Mayor

Transport for London (TfL) has not seen a material impact to date on procurement prices but expects inflationary pressure to continue. TfL uses financial risk management tools to respond to currency fluctuations and is working closely with its supply chain to deal with any cost risk.


Drop in value of Sterling and impact on LFB Procurement

Question No: 2018/0535

Andrew Dismore

What has been the impact on London Fire Brigade’s budget due to the drop in the value of Sterling?


The Mayor

Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.
