Objection to NIMR Traffic Management Plan


Andrew Dismore AM

City Hall

The Queen’s Walk






Objection to planning application for National Institute For Medical Research The Ridgeway London NW7 1AA, Ref: 20/5496/CON


Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing to object to the submission of details of Condition 40 (Temporary Access) pursuant to planning permission 16/4545/FUL dated 22/12/17 in my capacity as London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden.


The revised traffic management plan is wholly inadequate. It is also unacceptable that neighbours to the development have not been adequately consulted.


The congestion on The Ridgeway is already worsened by parked cars associated with the new occupants of the completed phases and the situation is likely to worsen as more of the site becomes occupied.


It is physically impossible for HGV’s and long wheelbase vehicles to emerge from the site onto Burtonhole Lane and turn left in order to comply with the existing traffic management plan. To allow this is dangerous, and will certainly cause gridlock.


I therefore urge you to reject this application.


Yours sincerely,



Andrew Dismore AM

London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden

