Category Archives: London 2012 Olympics

Dismore challenges Mayor over West Ham Olympic Stadium deal

At  Mayor’s Question Time, Andrew Dismore, Labour London Assembly member for Barnet and Camden challenged London Mayor Boris Johnson to come clean over his deal with West Ham over the deal to allow them to use the Olympic Stadium. Speaking at the meeting Mr Dismore asked the Mayor to confirm the following points: “You fought to keep this secret, didn’t […]

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Lessons must be learned over 2012 Games to ensure more affordable tickets for future events

No-one was able to buy a ticket for Olympic athletics, track cycling or swimming medal sessions for less than £50, the London Assembly said today as it called for lessons to be learned from the 2012 Games for future sporting events. The Assembly’s new report The Price of Gold also highlights how the average price to see Mo Farah win […]

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Monthly Update: Reporting back to you from City Hall: October – November 2012

My report from City Hall No.5: 5th October  to 14th November 2012 Introduction In last month’s report to you, I particularly focussed on the dire position facing the London Fire Brigade as a result of the cuts being demanded by Mayor Boris Johnson: over the next two years, cuts of £64.8m about 25% of the Fire Brigade’s total budget. I […]

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