Coleman has nothing to say about local issues

Labour London Assembly candidate Andrew Dismore has received the response to his freedom of information request, concerning representations ( or the lack of them)  made by sitting Conservative GLA member about a series of controversial local issues including:

  1. 1.            the proposal for Saracens to move to Copthall Stadium
  2. 2.            the proposed establishment of a free school in Mill Hill
  3. 3.            the proposal for the free school  to move into the Wyevale Nursery site
  4. 4.            the proposed Pinkham Way waste disposal site
  5. 5.            policing and community safety in the Borough
  6. 6.            the Olympics”


Although the request was submitted as long ago as last August, the Council yet again broke the law, having only just  responded long after the legal deadline of 20 days- even more extraordinary, when there was nothing to disclose! ( response below)  the only document revealed was a letter from the council about Pinkham Way- which went without a written reply form Cllr Coleman.


Andrew Dismore said:


“Yet again we see that Cllr Coleman has fallen down on the job. Yet again a FoI request has revealed he has done nothing to raise residents concerns in writing with the Council. To have nothing to say about Copthall, the Mil Hill free school, Pinkham Way ( which he supports against the wishes of local people) policing or even the Olympics raises questions as to what Cllr Coleman is actually for. Whilst he makes residents lives a misery with his parking charges, and gratuitously insults those who object or stand up to him, he neglects to do the job he is paid for: actually standing up for local residents. It is time for a change. When he faces the London Assembly ballot box next year, I am sure local voters  will make the right choice and park Cllr Coleman outside City Hall to contemplate how he has let them down.”
