MQT Answer: Henlys Corner

Henly’s Corner

Question No: 2301 / 2012

Andrew Dismore

Are you happy with the changes at Henly’s Corner?

Written response from the Mayor

The changes have delivered significant improvements at this junction. Prior to the improvement scheme, there were no signalised crossings at Henly’s Corner which meant the shopping facilities and Finchley Synagogue were difficult for the local community to access. Cyclists were poorly catered for, leaving inexperienced users with no alternative but to use the carriageway.

The new junction layout provides signalised crossing facilities for cyclists and pedestrians on all arms of the junction. I am very pleased that the local community can now easily access both sides of the A406 and no longer view it as a barrier to movement.


The scheme has been able to smooth traffic flow and reduce queue lengths through the introduction of additional lanes (including left-turn slip lanes and right turn signal controlled reservoirs), more consistent lane arrangements, and revised signal phases and timings.

This scheme not only brings public realm, cycling and pedestrian benefits but smoother and better traffic flow.
