MQT Answer: Safety for Cyclists

Safety for Cyclists

Question No: 2602 / 2012

Andrew Dismore

Do you support Bradley Wiggins‘s call at the Olympics after winning his Gold Medal for more safety measures for cyclists in London, and if so, what are you going to do about his suggestions?

Written response from the Mayor

Like Bradley Wiggins, I believe we need to do more to make London safer for cycling. That is why I published my Cycle Safety Action Plan which was developed in consultation with stakeholders such as cycle campaign groups, the freight transport association and the Metropolitan police.

During the development of the Plan, in depth analysis identified the key types of collisions that were most likely to result in cyclists being killed or seriously injured. Using this information and additional details as to whom, and where and when these collisions take place, 52 actions were developed to make cycling safer.  These include actions to make infrastructure safer, enforcement against anti social road user behaviour, and education and information to help all road users stay safe.  The Plan highlights in particular, the need to take action to reduce the number of cyclists killed and injured in collisions with goods vehicles.

My Cycle Safety Action Plan along with the 2011 end of year report can be viewed at

Furthermore, Transport for London is reviewing the safety of junctions in London.  One hundred junctions have been prioritised for improvement, with ten junctions due to be improved before the end of this year.
