Boris Johnson devastates Camden’s Police Service

Andrew Dismore, Labour London Assembly member for Barnet and Camden, has today learned of Conservative London Mayor Boris Johnson’s plans for cuts to the Metropolitan Police.

Mr Dismore said:

“These plans, as a result of the decisions of the Mayor and the Conservative led Coalition Government, are appalling news not just for our local police service, but for local residents and businesses who depend on them, too.

The police stations at Hampstead, West Hampstead, and Albany Street are to close their doors to the public completely , meaning there will be no police station open to public access in the north and west of the borough at all.

Kentish Town Station will only be open for much shorter hours, probably just 40 hours per week.

The only station open round the clock will be Holborn in the south of the borough, which is not readily accessible to thousands of people who live in the north of Camden in particular, given the lack of direct public transport routes

The suggested replacement – 4 hours per week stalls in supermarkets, coffee shops or post offices-  is not in any way a suitable alternative, for those who wish to discuss confidential matters or report crime face to face to a police officer.

But the bad news does not end there. Although the Mayor is trumpeting an increase in police numbers, in fact there is actually a cut over the life of this Coalition Government.

When Labour left office in May 2010, Camden had a total of 884 police officers. By 2015, the time of the next election, the number will be just 751- that’s a cut of 133 officers: and it will take till then to build up to that figure, so for most of the next 2 years we will have even fewer than that.

Camden’s Safer Neighbourhood Teams had, in total, 122 officers, sergeants and PCSOs in May 2010. By 2015, the total will be only 105, that’s a cut of 17 officers- and it would be even worse, but for the financial support  given by Labour Camden Council to fund additional officers in Camden Town.

These are not my figures: they are the official figures from answers to previous questions at Mayor’s Question Time and from today’s announcements.

Boris Johnson justifies his cuts by his wish to reduce the Council Tax: but the Council Tax next year will go down by just 1p a day for the average Band D home. I think most residents would prefer to see no cuts in the police (and also the fire service, where cuts are also on the way), than save just 1p a day.

This Mayor and Government are so out of touch they do not care about the safety of the public, which is the first duty of any administration. 

At a time when we are all concerned about levels of crime  and with overall crime levels up, especially burglary and robbery which have gone through the roof in Camden, it is time for the Mayor to listen and to withdraw these plans.

But the only consultation with the public is to be a one hour meeting with the Deputy Mayor for Policing on January 2nd at 8pm at the Camden Centre, behind the Town Hall. Residents need a proper meeting to have their say, not a sham like this.”
