“Secretive” Whittington Hospital plans condemned


Local Labour London Assembly Members have written to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt about plans to downsize Whittington Hospital. Condemning the plans to sell off parts of the hospital buildings and land as “secretive”, Jennette Arnold OBE AM, Andrew Dismore AM and Joanne McCartney AM have asked the Health Minister how the hospital can continue to provide the excellent service that it currently does with half of its’ services.

The Board of Whittington Hospital plans include:

  • Selling off £17m worth of public buildings and land owned by the hospital
  • Closing three wards on the main site
  • Halving the number of patient beds
  • Axing 570 jobs, including around 200 nurses


Jennette Arnold OBE AM said:

“We are very disappointed at the way the plans have been drawn up and released by the Board.  We believe that the Board should be clear and honest with their plans and we would welcome an opportunity to discuss the concerns residents have about these plans with the Board.”

Andrew Dismore AM said:

“The Whittington has already been saved once in 2009 due to residents coming together in opposition. We are shocked about the secretive nature of these plans that find us in this position again. It feels even more of a betrayal to residents.”

Joanne McCarteny AM said:

“These plans beg the question of how the hospital can continue to provide the excellent service that it currently does with half of the services. We urge the Board of Whittington Hospital and the Health Secretary to look into this case and intervene to ensure that this hospital keeps its excellent services.”

To read the letter click: Jeremy Hunt re Whittington 13th February 2013
