Londoners urged to make their voice heard on fire cuts


The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority is today launching its public consultation on its Draft Fifth London Safety Plan. The plan includes the proposal to close 12 fire stations, 18 fire engines and lose 520 firefighters.

The corporate view of the Authority is that, while it has recorded its opposition to station closures, appliance and staff reductions, it is consulting fairly on the draft LSP5 proposals which are subject to the Mayor of London’s direction and will take into account responses to the consultation before making a final decision.

Labour London Fire Authority Member Andrew Dismore AM said:

“It is vital that Londoners take part in this consultation and make sure that their voice is heard. We believe that the Mayor is cutting too far, too fast and is hitting the frontline.

“We are deeply concerned that the cuts will jeopardise the safety and security of Londoners, all for the dubious benefit of a penny a day off the Council Tax. But we want to hear from Londoners about their views during this consultation and what they think.”
