Dismore backs Chinatown protest during Mayor’s Question Time


During today’s Mayor’s Question Time, Andrew Dismore, Labour London Assembly member for Barnet  and Camden raised the plight Chinatown businesses who have suffered from Border Agency raids that re little more than fishing expeditions.

Mr Dismore challenged Mayor Johnson to back Chinatown businesses by intervening with the Border Agency.

During MQT Mr Dismore said:

“Did you know that whilst you were swanning about doing photo opportunities  in Beijing with George Osborne, promising a more relaxed regime for Chinese people to come to Britain, the Border Agency  were  harassing Chinese businesses in Chinatown?

It has got to the stage that yesterday afternoon all the shops and restaurants in Chinatown -over 200 businesses- closed for 2 hours in protest because the Chinese community is very angry with the disruptive and discriminatory fishing raids carried out by the Immigration Enforcement team. They feel they have been victimised and have become easy targets for the UKBA.

There have been 11 big raids since July, that’s almost one a week and more often than not , finding no-one illegal.  These raids are not intelligence led. They are damaging the reputation of Chinese businesses and create and reinforce negative stereotypes of Chinatown and the Chinese community.

You were born in the Chinese year of the Dragon, the main characteristics  being a  big ego,  living the grand life  and creating headlines.  Is this why  you think you can get away with facing  two ways, saying one thing abroad, yet at home you do exactly the opposite?”

Mr Dismore challenged the Mayor to intervene to stop this persecution of London’s  long standing and hardworking Chinese community. The Mayor said he would look into the matter, but illegal immigration had to be dealt with.

After MQT Mr Dismore said:

“The Mayor shed crocodile tears. He said he would look at the problem, but it is clear that he supports the BA campaign in Chinatown, ignoring the effect on hardworking Chinese people who see their reputations tarnished.

It is about time the Mayor stood up for the British Chinese community, recognised their problems, and helped resolve them. He cannot expect major Chinese investors to come  to London, while he tolerates such by BA heavy-handedness against established Chinese businesses already here.”
