Falloden Way/Market Place result at last!

FallodenWay-Northway-Markplace 1 

Andrew Dismore, Labour London Assembly member for Barnet and Camden has claimed victory at last, in his long running battle with Transport for London, for a simple solution to the problem of excess parking tickets outside the shops in Falloden Way on the A1.


Mr Dismore said:

“The number of tickets being given to motorists for inadvertently parking on this loading bay, which was extremely badly signed, made this location into a huge cash cow for the Mayor of London’s coffers, enforced by a hard to spot CCTV camera.

The solution was simple: to paint on the carriageway, the words “loading only”. It has taken TfL months and months to act on my suggestion, but I am pleased at long last this has finally been done (photo attached). I just wonder how much extra in parking fines TfL raked in, between me first suggesting this step, and them actually implementing it.

However, the work has been done now, and hopefully drivers will be more aware of the risk they take if they park here, and will be able to avoid getting ticketed in the future.”
