Dismore presents additional evidence and further supplementary complaint to Barnet Council Monitoring Officer


Following his further exchanges with  London Mayor Boris Johnson at yesterday’s  Mayor’s Question Time , Andrew Dismore, Labour London Assembly member and parliamentary candidate for Hendon has today submitted a  further 7 page  of detailed additional evidence and a further supplementary  complaint to Barnet Council’s Monitoring Officer concerning  Cllr Hugh Rayner, the Mayor of Barnet. this is in addition to the  19 page complaint Mr Dismore previously submitted on 16th June.

Mr Dismore’s supplementary complaint, which cannot be published for legal reasons, raises a number of issues concerning Cllr Rayner’s conduct concerning his   register of interests entry  and declarations of interests about  his business relations.

Mr  Dismore said:

“Since my original complaint  was submitted, further matters have come to light, which I raised at Mayor’s Question Time yesterday.

“Cllr Rayner has a further case to answer over his register of interests entry  and declaration of interests about  his business affairs.

 “In the circumstances, I believe these matters must  be investigated by the  Barnet Council Monitoring  Officer, to establish whether or not there has  been any wrongdoing on Cllr Rayner’s part.

“I hope that the Monitoring  Officer will conduct a swift investigation as it is not  fair to the  people of Barnet that these serious matters should be hanging   over the Borough’s “First Citizen” , the Mayor of Barnet,  for longer than is absolutely necessary. We need to see an early   ruling  upon one way or the other promptly.

“For my part, I have made clear to the Monitoring Officer that I am available to explain the detail to the Council of the complaint and to produce the evidence I have in support of the complaint. I hope that Cllr Rayner will offer his full co-operation, too.”
