My Objection to development of the Fairway School site

Objection to planning application ref 15/03138/FUL

Land Adjacent Northway And Fairway Primary School The Fairway Mill Hill London NW7 3HS


Request to speak at Planning Committee


I wish to object to this planning application and to speak to my objections at the Planning Committee.



Such significant changes have been made to the plans since the original consultation that a new consultation period is required.

The changes have expanded capasity of the site significantly, and beyond the London Plan density matrix of 150 – 200 homes. This must have further consultation.

Space Standards

In order to squeeze the desired (desired by the developers that is) number of units, a compromise has been made on living space. The designs lack sufficient storage space or decent living space for people to live comfortably or humanly.


Not content with squeezing as many units in a small space as possible, the plans involve significant loss of mature trees. I find this unacceptable. The mature trees on the site offer an opportunity to create a desirable living space where individuals can feel at home. The removal of these trees and replacement by immature trees prevent a feeling of community and balance in the area.

Layout of the site

Little care or attention has been paid to the layout of the site. There is no separation of children and traffic. The lack of planned amenities suggests no planning or concept of how the new site will affect local communities. The increase in traffic will be dangerous and unwelcome by existing residence. More careful attention needs to be paid to the designing the site.


Linked to this is the poor parking facility. The parking has been designed to incorporate new cars into an already difficult and tight site with limited access. This provision needs revisiting as simple tasks like turning are made difficult.


This plan has grown without consultation and tried to force extra units than reasonable. The effect of a large number of units will create a human and vehicular demand on the local area which has not been mitigated against. The dwellings themselves will not be suitable and cause personal and social stress made worse by the proposed destruction of the trees and associated wildlife.


This plan is short sighted, revenue driven and cruel. I object to this plan until significant changes are made and my concerns are addresses.
