Response to the Draft North London Waste Plan with specific attention to Connaught Business Centre, Colindale




As the London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden I wish to respond with objections to the North London Waste Plan (NLWP) outline proposals for the Connaught Business Centre, Colindale.


This site is unsuitable for waste disposal, processing or storage and as such should be removed from the NLWP.


Flood Risk


This site is situated adjacent to the Silk Stream. As such it sits within the Environment Agency Flood Zone 2 & 3 (medium and high risk). Any of the increasingly frequent heavy rain falls could flood the site contaminating the stream and spreading pollution and waste. Indeed, there was limited flooding recently in September.


Proximity to Housing


The Connaught Business Centre is surrounded by residential properties. with some in close proximity. This is set to increase as large new developments in the area are built, for example the Homebase site, for which planning permission was given after the survey for the plan was conducted. To the north, residents’ homes back onto the Business Centre site. The adoption of the site for waste purposes- barely metres from residential properties- is unacceptable. Even sealed facilities can have associated odours, vermin and noise which impact the amenity of the local residents.


Size of the site restricts growth


This site is severely restricted in size and thus capacity. It is a small retail and business centre – it is not designed for waste management facilities. It lacks sufficient access, space and support infrastructure to expand.



Traffic and Congestion


The consultation document acknowledges the large traffic implications of the small site. This would have a significant and detrimental effect upon the retail businesses currently occupying the site and other sites to the south. The increased traffic flow will also have an impact on the residential areas to the north. Congestion, noise pollution and road safety are all important considerations which should prevent any development of this site for waste purposes.




In such a congested area the plan would potentially bring increased traffic flow in a residential area. It would bring vermin, noise and odours and have a negative effect on road safety – all of this in an area of high flood risk. This site is not suitable for development for waste facilities.


