Cutting local PCSOs would make policing in Camden less representative


The Metropolitan Police plans to axe all local PCSOs would disproportionately hit BME representation in Camden, Andrew Dismore AM said. New figures from the PCS Union have revealed that 34% of neighbourhood PCSOs in London come from BME backgrounds compared with only around 12% of police officers. With 48% of PCSOs in Camden coming from BME background, Andrew Dismore AM said the changes would mean “local police will be less reflective of our local community” given the significantly lower levels of diversity amongst officers other than PCSOs.


During September’s Mayor’s Question Time Boris Johnson was urged to halt the proposals to scrap all of London’s neighbourhood PCSOs until the impact on BME representation is addressed and a full public consultation has been conducted. Despite recent increases in the number of police officers from BME backgrounds there are still a comparatively high proportion of PCSOs from BME backgrounds compared with police officers. Mr Dismore said cutting PCSOs would risk the Met failing on its target to create a force which better reflects the community it serves.


The future of PCSOs is due to be discussed by the Metropolitan Police at its Management Board meeting on 29th September. The cuts could see neighbourhood policing teams in Camden reduced to just a single police officer for each ward, despite having six officers (3 PCSOs, 2 PCs and a sergeant) only 3 years ago. PCSOs have been used to top-up low police officer numbers since the Mayor of London’s restructure of local policing came into effect in 2012.  


Local Labour London Assembly Member Andrew Dismore AM said:


“We need a police force which reflects the makeup of the communities it serves. Scrapping all of London’s local PCSOs would not only destroy our system of neighbourhood policing it would be a massive step backwards in terms of the representativeness of the police.

“With 48% of PCSOs in Camden coming from BME backgrounds, there’s no doubt this change would mean our local police will be less reflective of our local community.

“Whilst it’s good police officer diversity is slowly improving, the Government’s savage budget cuts are going to have a dramatic impact on the Met. Changes like getting rid of London’s PCSOs would completely alter the shape and makeup of London’s police force. Whilst the Government’s cuts will undoubtedly mean change, it’s vital we have an open and honest conversation with the public about the future of policing in the capital.”

