Transport Plenary Written Questions


Question No: 2016/1790

Andrew Dismore

What assistance and  support could you offer residents  and businesses in Camden , who will be adversely affected by HS2 works, in obtaining fair compensation and adequate mitigation of the impact?

Written answer from the Mayor

While I am broadly supportive of the HS2 project, I believe that the current proposals for Euston will have a very significant negative impact on residents and businesses in Camden.  I also understand that the recent ‘Bynoe Report’ on how HS2 Ltd handles complaints and community engagement identified a number of failings which require urgent improvement actions.  I have asked my officials to work with Camden, TfL and HS2 Ltd to develop an improved business and community engagement approach, including a fair package of measures for those affected by the project.

HS2 3

Question No: 2016/1791

Andrew Dismore

Will you make representations to  the House of Lords, over the ‘locus’ objections  taken by HS2, which if upheld will prevent the House of Lords hearing the petitions of residents’ groups, elected representatives (including myself and ward councillors) and  a number of residents, when the Lords Committee considers the HS2 Bill?

Written answer from the Mayor

I am disappointed that there has been so many ‘locus’ challenges by the promoter of HS2, the Department for Transport.  While most of the Lords’ petitioners also lodged a petition during the Commons Select Committee process, many of their objections were only partly addressed, and sometimes not at all.


I have made clear that London is seeking a better overall solution for an integrated Euston station, in addition to the changes to the Hybrid Bill on which TfL, the GLA and local authorities are already working with HS2 Ltd. I share the concerns of many of the petitioners that HS2 should ensure that it significantly reduces its impact across London, as well as enhancing the longer term benefits to London in improving connectivity and releasing capacity on already overcrowded National Rail services.


In my discussions with the Secretary of State I will ensure that the views and concerns of affected residents, businesses and elected representatives are listened to and properly taken into account.


HS2 4

Question No: 2016/1792

Andrew Dismore

Will you support local residents and their representatives in their efforts to get HS2 to engage  with them meaningfully over the impact HS2 will have in  Camden?

Written answer from the Mayor

As outlined in my response to MQ2016 /1790, HS2 needs to significantly improve how it engages with local groups across London and in particular in Camden.  The current arrangements including the Euston Community Representatives Group forum are clearly inadequate.


I have asked my officials to work with the London Borough of Camden to press for meaningful changes to the current arrangements, to ensure that HS2 Ltd properly takes local concerns into account.


Discretionary passes for people with disabilities in Barnet

Question No: 2016/1793

Andrew Dismore

Will you make representations to Barnet Council on the way that it has administered reassessment of non-discretionary (statutory) passes and discretionary passes for people with disabilities, including physical, learning and mental health disability after the Council privatised   the process to Capita?

Written answer from the Mayor

I believe this question refers to a recent incident in which Capita/London Borough of Barnet incorrectly hot listed over 200 Disabled Persons Passes.


One particularly distressing case of a young disabled person with learning difficulties has rightly received extensive publicity. The situation was only saved by the bus driver involved behaving very sensibly.


My understanding is that this specific case and the other hot-listing mistakes have now been resolved and that the Borough and Capita are addressing the wider administration issues raised by the incident.


TfL meets regularly with the London Councils team that manages the Freedom Pass concessionary travel schemes on behalf of the individual boroughs and I have asked them to ensure that any further issuing and renewal problems are monitored and reviewed. I will of course contact the Borough Leader if further significant issues emerge at Barnet or at any other London borough.


Tube shuttle service to Mill Hill East from Finchley Central

Question No: 2016/1794

Andrew Dismore

A recurrent problem for the tube shuttle service to Mill Hill East is drivers not waiting for the incoming connecting train at Finchley Central. By way of example, a constituent was at Finchley Central around 13.34 hours on Tuesday 17th May.  As the train came in to Finchley Central going north to High Barnet, the shuttle service to Mill Hill East closed its doors and drove off leaving passengers a 15 minute wait for the next shuttle. Will you get a grip on this problem?

Written answer from the Mayor

The Northern line timetable schedules the departure of the Mill Hill East shuttle shortly after a train arrives into Finchley Central station.

I’ve been informed that occasionally, delays further along the Northern line mean that a timetabled train will not arrive on schedule. In these cases, the Mill Hill East shuttle generally departs as scheduled to ensure any subsequent delays are prevented. However, Northern line drivers have been reminded to wait a short time to allow passengers to transfer to the Mill Hill East service if another train is coming.


382 bus at Mill Hill East

Question No: 2016/1795

Andrew Dismore

The 382 bus at Mill Hill East is not co-ordinated with the times of the Tube shuttle, going at the same time in the same direction. If it was staggered to the mid-point of the 15 minute tube schedule, it would mean no-one would have to wait more than 7.5 minutes for a tube or bus heading south.  Can this be organised please?

Written answer from the Mayor

Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.


The ‘Garden Bridge’

Question No: 2016/1796

Andrew Dismore

Will you ensure that TfL funds are not used to subsidise the ‘Garden bridge’?

Written answer from the Mayor

Please refer to my MQT oral update on 25 May.


Boris Buses

Question No: 2016/1797

Andrew Dismore

Will you ensure that no more of the uncomfortable and polluting so called ‘Boris Buses’ are purchased?

Written answer from the Mayor

Londoners deserve a bus fleet that is greener, more affordable and more functional than the ‘new’ Routemasters. Therefore, I will not make any further purchases of the new buses.



