Objection to Chequers pub planning application



Request to speak at the committee


Dear Sir or Madam,


Re: Objection to planning application Ref: 16/7645/FUL The Chequers 20 Church End London NW4 4JT




I am objecting to this application in my capacity as London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden and request to speak at the committee.


Whilst I welcome new homes and educational, especially early years,  provision, I do not believe this application is appropriate for this location. My objection is to the change of use, impact of traffic and appearance of the development.


Change of use


With the recent loss of the White Bear pub on The Burroughs, there has been a marked decline in the variety and quality of local pubs. The Chequers pub has existed on the current location for decades. It is a local landmark, much valued by residents of the surrounding area, for whom it is a quiet and friendly establishment. It is complimentary to the local area and the other two public houses nearby. The loss of the pub is an unacceptable loss of local amenities in that context.


Impact on traffic and parking


My greatest area of concern relates to the impact of traffic and parking in the area. Greyhound Hill and Church End are already extremely busy roads so the addition of 65 children attending nursery here will exacerbate the severe parking problems around Church End, Church Terrace and Prince of Wales Drive. The application proposes to remove existing parking places in order to provide only two parking spaces. It is inconceivable that a nursery with 65 places would only have two staff who drive and would need to park nearby for the day. This is not enough.





Appearance of the development


Church End is at the heart of old Hendon village, with  nearby numerous buildings important to the local character and history of Hendon, such as St. Mary’s Church, Church Farmhouse, and the alms houses on Church Road. The current building as it exists fits into the neighbourhood well, whereas the proposed extensions make the building too large, and out of proportion.


Whilst the addition of extra housing would ordinarily be welcomed, again there is no associated parking. The detached house would also be out of context to the other houses on Church End.


Habitability and noise


I also question the habitability of flats above the proposed nursery. With 65 children, there would understandably be a large volume of noise throughout operating hours. This will have an impact on existing residents, as Church End is generally a quiet area with little footfall.




In conclusion, considering the impact of the above, I do not believe officers or councillors should be minded to approve this application and I would urge you to therefore direct a refusal. The impact on traffic and parking is so severe that there is no mitigation actions that could be proposed that would deal with the problem.


Yours sincerely,


Andrew Dismore

Labour London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden


City Hall

The Queen’s Walk



