Late February MQT answers

Metropolitan Police procurement

Question No: 2017/0580

Andrew Dismore

What is your estimate of the effect of the post-Brexit drop in the value of Stirling on the Met.’s future procurement of a) vehicles and b) marine craft?

Written response from the Mayor

The MPS procure vehicles and craft via the relevant Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Frameworks, and through competitive tendering within these arrangements we invariably purchase vehicles at significant discounts.  We closely monitor market prices and those obtained through CCS and at the moment we are not forecasting any additional costs to the vehicle replacement programme.


The MPS rarely procure marine craft and thus do not have any recent ‘baseline’ prices.  Replacement marine vehicles would be procured through a detailed OJEU process that would ensure MPS minimise whole life costs and obtain the best value.  Currency exchange rates are only one of many factors that would be considered as part of a whole life cost analysis.



GLA procurement

Question No: 2017/0586

Andrew Dismore

What is your estimate of the effect of the post-Brexit drop in the value of Stirling on GLA’s future procurement?

Written response from the Mayor

The GLA uses the TfL procurement system which has procedures in place to identify and mitigate exposure to foreign currency movements during the procurement process where this is relevant, and when they become certain and after a contract is agreed. Any currency exposure ultimately depends on the identity of the successful bidder, so it is impossible to estimate what this impact could be until after contracts are finalised.



Merged Met. Borough pilots [1]

Question No: 2017/0592

Andrew Dismore

By what objective criteria will the success (or otherwise) of the merged Met. Borough pilots be assessed and measured?

Written response from the Mayor

The MPS has identified two critical factors in their approach to defining success for the BCU model:


  • whether the BCU model supports partnership through effective engagement and joint working; and
  • whether it positions the MPS to deliver the requirements of the Police and Crime Plan.


My Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Sophie Linden, and Assistant Commissioner Hewitt continue to meet borough leaders to discuss the new BCU model and how partnership working can be improved.


As outlined in my response to MQ 2017/ 593, each of the two Pathfinder BCUs has its own Oversight Board, which includes the MPS, MOPAC and local authority Leaders and Chief Executives.


These Oversight Boards are in turn supported by Project Boards involving the MPS and local authority partners.
