late policing answers, December 17

Security at the Peel Centre

Question No: 2017/5167

Andrew Dismore

Further to your answer to Question No: 2017/4574, I believe you have missed the point. The issue I raised was in respect of the new development next to the Peel Centre, on land that was previously owned by the Met as part of the centre, and sold off for private development. There are tall buildings overlooking the site being constructed. What action has been taken to ensure the integrity of security at the Peel Centre, in light of this private development neighbouring it; and indeed the other tall building developments in the immediate vicinity which overlook the Peel Centre complex?

Written response from the Mayor

The Met is not able to discuss specific threats and mitigations within the public domain.  The assessment of threat is based on current attack methodologies and includes an assessment of terrorist capability and intent. Global attack methodologies are reviewed on a 24/7/365 basis.  Being overlooked per-se does not create a security threat and the vulnerabilities at Hendon are no different to other parts of the MPS estate that are in built up areas.  Where threat assessments and intelligence dictate, additional protective security measures can be implemented on an as-need basis.

Senior officer residential accomodation

Question No: 2017/2128

Andrew Dismore

Does the Met still provide, pay for, or subsidise the cost of accommodation for senior officers; if so which officers benefit from this perk; and what does it cost per year?

Written response from the Mayor

Following a significant programme of reducing the police estate, MOPAC has retained a small number of residential flats in London.

The contracts for the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner  Special Operations provide the option of MOPAC subsidised accommodation given that these officers can be called upon at any time of the day or night.

In addition, in exceptional circumstances, where chief officers are recruited to the Met from forces a long way from London, MOPAC subsidised accommodation may be made available to them. Other forces offer significant relocation provision for senior officers.

Currently accommodation is provided to the Commissioner and one Deputy Assistant Commissioner. The cost to the Met of this accommodation is about £23,000 per year.

Alleged Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

Question No: 2017/2498

Andrew Dismore

Is the Metropolitan Police war crimes unit assessing whether criminal prosecutions could be brought over Saudi Arabia’s devastating aerial campaign in Yemen; and if so with what progress?

Written response from the Mayor

The MPS are not currently dealing with any referrals relating to the conflict in Yemen. In initial consideration of war crime referrals, it must be established if the UK has jurisdiction for the potential offences; this primarily means if a possible suspect is residing or present in the UK.
