Dismore demands action on Kentish Town Tube noise
Labour London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden Andrew Dismore held a meeting with residents and Transport for London (TfL) to discuss tube noise in Kentish Town. TfL have recently replaced their wooden sleepers, which used to absorb noise, with concrete. This has led to a large number of complaints from residents at both Kentish Town and Mornington Crescent.
At the meeting, TfL said the reason for the noise was corrugation in the rails, and the impact of concrete sleepers. They have agreed to install rubber clamps which would help dampen the noise, and could reduce noise by 15-20 decibels in the worst places. TfL are unable to grind the rails, as the machinery cannot be operated in the northern line tunnel in this area, due to a lack of ventilation.
Mr Dismore said:
‘I felt it important to set up this meeting and give residents a chance to put their problems to TfL directly. I set up a similar meeting at Mornington Crescent last year, and we achieved good progress and a plan of action, which we are now holding TfL to, and I hope we have been able to do the same for Kentish Town. We have tried to look at other measures, such as installing dampeners under the sleepers, but this is impossible due to the lack of room in these 120 year old tunnels.
‘But the work that has been agreed will hopefully commence from June, and be finished by September. There have been delays to the work at Mornington Crescent because of demands on the rest of the line for emergency repairs, but we have asked TfL to keep residents updated on any slippage.’