second objection to 141 High Street planning application


Andrew Dismore AM

London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden

City Hall

The Queen’s Walk






Objection to planning application for 141 High Street, Barnet, EN5 5UZ, Ref: 18/0799/FUL


Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing to object to the above application in my capacity as London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden. I objected to the previous application for this site, where the officers’ refusal decision was overturned at appeal.




The application states that there are currently 16 spaces, and that the development will provide 15 spaces, one of which will be a disabled bay. However, the previous application for this site proposed to provide 17 parking spaces, which was already below what is required at this site.


When 141a was first developed into eight flats (from offices) the applicants of that planning permission (B/02657/13) were granted planning permission on the condition that each flat was allocated a space.


“The applicant must ensure that the proposed 8 parking spaces shown on drawing 4385-02 will be assigned for the proposed 8 new flats and retained thereafter. These spaces should not be allocated to other existing units of other developments in future proposals.”


Therefore eight of the 16 spaces had been allocated by that application. When the roof space in 141a was sold, an application was submitted and approved by the council for two further flats to be built (under reference B/01962/14). The council again approved this application on the condition that allocated parking was provided to the two flats. Therefore that is now ten of the 16 spaces which have been pledged in an application.


“Before the development hereby permitted is occupied the parking spaces/garages shown on Plan drawing no. 4441 29 shall be provided and shall not be used for any other purpose than the parking of vehicles in connection with the approved development.”


This left six spaces, five of which are allocated to the businesses. The current applicants seek to vary an already approved application for a three storey office block. This application pledged “17 spaces, with at least 3 being allocated to the created office space” yet they have failed properly to account for how they will provide these spaces.


In granting the appeal for the three storey office block, “App/N5090/W/15/3133419” at paragraph 11 states:


“The 17 spaces would be shared between residential units in the frontage building and users of the office development. The office use would generate parking demand during the working date when residential demand is likely to be at its lowest. The reverse is likely to occur in the evenings and weekends. Shared parking arrangements such as this are not uncommon in the town centres…”


I cannot see how the applicants are able to provide a shared parking arrangement given that the 10 existing flats have allocated parking spaces, not only enshrined in their lease, but the council themselves in granting permission for the development of the flats stated that the allocated spaces should be retained by the flats and “these spaces should not be allocated to other existing units of other developments in future proposals.”




Bruce Road, is a short road and is heavily utilised by the customers of the surrounding cafes and takeaways. Cars are often double parked, and Bruce Road is the only access point to the site. the addition of three flats will make al already bad congestion situation even worse.


Waste and recycling provision


The waste and recycling provision for the block is already inadequate. There are currently 8 flats occupied at 141 High Street (the two roof flats are not). If this application is passed, in time there will be 5 additional units, but no increase in waste and recycling provision. I am especially concerned, as this area is something of a fly-tip magnet.




Due to the lack of parking provision, lack of waste management and increased congestion on Bruce Road, I urge officers to reject this application.


Yours sincerely,



Andrew Dismore AM

London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden

City Hall

The Queen’s Walk


