All London Councils sign up to Mayor’s rogue landlord checker
Responding to the announcement today that all London boroughs have now signed-up to the Mayor’s rogue landlord checker, Labour London Assembly Member Andrew Dismore AM said:
“Private renters in Barnet and Camden will benefit from the transparency the register provides.
“We know that the vast majority of landlords are decent. Sadly there remains a small minority who take advantage of those desperate for a roof over their heads. It is only right that those who have behaved badly are named and shamed.
“Once again the Mayor is ahead of the government, whose national database is not available to the public. But the Mayor’s powers are limited and he needs the government to act to give him the power to make further improvements for London renters, such as introducing longer tenancies and scrapping ‘no fault’ eviction.
“Everyone deserves a decent home and that’s why I’m glad both Barnet and Camden Councils have got behind this register. It’s a message to rogue landlords that their time is up.”
–All London boroughs have now signed up to the Mayor’s rogue landlord checker;
-The Mayor’s Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker is available here;
-Andrew Dismore AM is the Labour London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden.