Late October MQT answer
Question No: 2018/2782
Andrew Dismore
Reports suggest that Whistle-blowers are being sacked, threatened with violence, or blacklisted for trying to shed light on life-threatening malpractice in the construction trade: what will you do to support such workers in London?
Written response from the Mayor
The law is clear about protections for whistleblowing and gives employees who believe they have been unfairly treated for blowing the whistle the right to take their case to an employment tribunal. I stand shoulder to shoulder with whistle blowers and condemn any employer who practices blacklisting or issues threats against whistle blowers. The best way for workers to protect themselves is to join a trade union, and I would encourage any workers affected by violence or intimidation from their employer to report the matter to the police and to seek advice from their trade union, or Citizen’s Advice.