March 19 policing written answers

Cost of policing Millwall vs Everton

Question No: 2019/3866

Andrew Dismore

What was the cost of policing the recent Millwall vs Everton football match; how many officers were deployed; and how much has been/ will be reimbursed by Millwall Football Club?

Answer for Cost of policing Millwall vs Everton

The Mayor

Last updated: 28 February, 2019

Officers are drafting a response

Cost of policing Millwall vs Everton

The Mayor

Last updated: 11 March, 2019

115 officers were deployed to police the recent Millwall Vs Everton football match. It cost £45,829.25 to police of which £5,943.28 will be recovered.

Turnover of Met Police officers

Question No: 2019/3869

Andrew Dismore

How many warranted officers leave the Met. on average per month; and how many officers is the Met currently recruiting on average per month?

Answer for Turnover of Met Police officers

The Mayor

Last updated: 28 February, 2019

Officers are drafting a response

Turnover of Met Police officers

The Mayor

Last updated: 11 March, 2019

Attrition in the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is very low but the sheer size of the organisation inevitably means there are a high number of leavers each month through natural turn over.

The number of leavers has remained relatively stable and averages around 170 – 180 officers per month.

Recruitment patterns are more variable. December intakes are very low whilst January intakes are high. The pace of recruitment is also increasing reflecting the recent MPS recruitment campaigns.

Over the last six months the average number of joiners is 201. Following the Mayor’s investment, recruit intakes in the future will be significantly higher.

Met Police promotion prospects

Question No: 2019/3870

Andrew Dismore

How many Met officers are qualified a) to be sergeants and b) inspectors; and how many vacancies for each of these ranks are there expected to be this year?

Answer for Met Police promotion prospects

The Mayor

Last updated: 28 February, 2019

Officers are drafting a response

Met Police promotion prospects

The Mayor

Last updated: 11 March, 2019

As of 15 February 2019, the MPS has 4387 substantive Sergeants and 1227 Inspectors.

There are 275 officers who are fully qualified and awaiting promotion to Sergeant as vacancies arise. There are also 30 officers who are fully qualified for promotion to Inspector who are also awaiting vacancies.

The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) will continue to run promotion processes throughout the year to replenish the qualified pools and fill vacancies as they arise.

MOPAC clash of dates

Question No: 2019/3872

Andrew Dismore

MOPAC victims’ unit has for the second time out of two organised briefings to which AMs have been invited, which clash with events in the Chamber requiring the attendance of all AMs; the first was MQT, the second HMD (which after representations was postponed). Will you ensure that in future MOPAC check the Assembly calendar before organising events which they would like AMs to attend?

Answer for MOPAC clash of dates

The Mayor

Last updated: 28 February, 2019

Officers are drafting a response

MOPAC clash of dates

The Mayor

Last updated: 11 March, 2019

MOPAC apologises for the clash of dates with Assembly Members’ diaries, and any inconvenience this may have caused. As you stated, the decision was taken to postpone the latter event and the victim’s team are in the process of finding an alternative time for this briefing. MOPAC will endeavour to ensure that the Assembly calendar is consulted when scheduling future briefings for London Assembly Members.
