May 2019 Tube noise written answers

Tube noise [1]

Question No: 2019/9216

Andrew Dismore

Tube noise has not been reduced sufficiently for a number of residents, who have suffered ground borne noise well in excess of 50Db, in some case for several years and in one case rendering the property uninhabitable. in such cases will you now consider compensating residents, if necessary buying their property?

Tube noise [1]

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 May, 2019

Transport for London (TfL) understands the importance of minimising noise levels for its neighbours and is determined to do more to achieve it. TfL is focussing its efforts on tackling tube noise and vibration at source, not through compensation. It has carried out works near over 200 homes most affected by noise, installing thousands of new track fastenings, hundreds of metres of new track, grinding rails and removing rail joints where no longer necessary. Where current technology does not reduce noise levels, TfL will continue working with suppliers and academics to innovate and develop new technology to reduce noise levels across the network.

Tube noise [2]

Question No: 2019/9217

Andrew Dismore

In areas where residents are suffering excessive ground borne tube noise, reduction in train speeds have been shown to ameliorate significantly the noise they suffer. Will you now consider slowing trains outside rush hours, especially at weekends and with the night tube?

Answer for Tube noise [2]

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 May, 2019

Officers are drafting a response

Tube noise [3]

Question No: 2019/9218

Andrew Dismore

Why have Transport for London refused to enable the friction modifier installed at Finchley Central? Have they ensured the noise will not get even worse when the southbound track is upgraded? If so, how? Is it written into the engineering contract to ensure this (unlike last time)?

Tube noise [3]

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 May, 2019

Transport for London (TfL) took noise measurements inside properties near Finchley Central earlier this year. These readings confirmed that the additional lubrication applied to the northbound track near the curve at Finchley Central was effective in reducing noise levels by around 10dB.

A friction modifier has been installed in this area. However, TfL identified a safety concern following testing of train braking so does not plan to activate it. it.

TfL’s contractors deliver in accordance with track construction standards set out by TfL, using TfL approved materials. This ensures that noise and vibration levels are kept as low as is practicable.

If residents are experiencing an increase in noise disturbance they can contact TfL’s Customer Service Centre on 0343 222 1234 or at

Tube noise [4]

Question No: 2019/9219

Andrew Dismore

How are Transport for London monitoring the effectiveness of lubrication installed on the tracks at Finchley Central? Residents still report that trains travelling along the corner near the station still screech. Can residents get direct or live visibility on noise measurements and lubricant application times?

Tube noise [4]

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 May, 2019

Transport for London (TfL) took noise measurements inside properties close to Finchley Central earlier this year. These readings confirmed the additional lubrication was effective in reducing noise levels by around 10dB. Following further recent complaints, TfL is arranging further measurements.

The lubricant is applied each time the tube wheels go over the lubricator located at the affected area, which occurs several hundred times per day.

If residents are experiencing an increase in noise disturbance they can contact TfL’s Customer Service Centre on 0343 222 1234 or at

Tube noise [5]

Question No: 2019/9220

Andrew Dismore

Although noise may have been reduced slightly in some locations such as Finchley Central, it did not exist at all before the speed increases and northbound track upgrades. Why can Transport for London not return this noise to previous level?

Tube noise [5]

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 May, 2019

The northbound track upgrade was undertaken as part of Transport for London’s (TfL) wider programme of track renewals and upgrades. These works are essential for TfL to) to maintain reliability and safety on its network.

TfL is aware of recent complaints about tube noise in this area and will undertake further noise measurements and carry out practicable mitigations to reduce noise at affected properties.

Tube noise [6]

Question No: 2019/9221

Andrew Dismore

How many complaints about increased tube noise have Transport for London received from Hendon Central, namely Prothero Gardens and Quadrant Close? What assessment has been made of the cause of an increase in tube noise there?

Tube noise [6]

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 May, 2019

Transport for London (TfL) has received four complaints about tube noise in the Hendon Central area in 2019.

TfL has undertaken noise readings and targeted site visits and will be carrying out remedial works to the track this month.

