Healthy Streets award shows Camden way ahead of Barnet
New research shows Camden to have the healthiest streets of any borough in the whole of London, according to the 2020 London Boroughs Healthy Streets Scorecard. The scorecard reflects the health of boroughs’ streets up to March 2020, before emergency measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Camden was rated at 6.8/10, beaten only by the City of London, whereas neighbouring Barnet scored only 2.5/10, the 9th worst.
The indicators are based on outcomes such as using non- car travel, the amount of walking and cycling, and traffic accidents. It also measures active policies, such as Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, 20mph Speed Limits, Controlled Parking Zones, Physically Protected Cycle Tracks and School Provision.
Barnet and Camden London Assembly Member Andrew Dismore said:
“It’s no surprise that Camden, which has an excellent Labour Council that is actively engaged in making streets safer and improving the environment would score so highly, the best of the London Boroughs. Barnet are absolutely hopeless, they have no ambition and are actively hostile to cycling infrastructure. The realities of suburban life means that car use is always going to be higher, but that is no excuse for having no interest in improving infrastructure for other modes of transport.”
Labour London Assembly candidate Anne Clarke added:
“Camden is a beacon of hope in many ways, not least in making streets safe for everyone. Camden have taken tough decisions to support cycle infrastructure, low traffic neighbourhoods, and are of course a 20 zone borough. Just inside the Camden border, gorgeous bee-encouraging wildflowers are part of new traffic-calming measures. This encourages bees, whilst discouraging speeding. In Barnet, Labour Councillors have been pushing for a change in the Council’s 20mph zone rules, to allow them to be installed where residents want them, not just outside schools. If agreed, this will be a substantial step in the right direction.”
• Andrew Dismore AM is the London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden
• Anne Clarke is the Labour candidate for Barnet and Camden.
• Information on the Healthy Streets scorecard can be found here.