June 2020 Tube noise answers

Tube Noise near Warren Street

Question No: 2020/1987

Andrew Dismore

What is the latest on work to reduce tube noise in Fitzrovia? When will the rails in both directions on the Victoria Line next be ground?

Answer for Tube Noise near Warren Street

The Mayor

Last updated: 23 June, 2020

Officers are drafting a response

Tube Noise near Warren Street

The Mayor

Last updated: 10 July, 2020

Over the weekend of 23-25 May 2020, Transport for London (TfL) carried out extensive rail grinding on the Victoria line, including a section in this area, where heavy corrugation had been identified.

Currently, rail grinding is next scheduled for the Victoria line in late 2020. I have asked that TfL continues to keep you updated on this programme, including the plans for Fitzrovia, over the coming months.

In the longer-term, TfL is continuing to investigate the feasibility of using the Delkor track fastening product at this location, with the aim of reducing noise and vibration.

Please also see my response to Mayor’s Question 2020/1988.

Tube Noise Delkor trials

Question No: 2020/1988

Andrew Dismore

Please provide an update on the Delkor track fixing trials; and indicate when the trials are to be evaluated with a view to a wider rollout across the network?

Answer for Tube Noise Delkor trials

The Mayor

Last updated: 23 June, 2020

Officers are drafting a response

Tube Noise Delkor trials

The Mayor

Last updated: 10 July, 2020

Transport for London (TfL) is currently trialling an alternative rail fastening called Delkor 167 on the Jubilee line. As a result of the coronavirus outbreak and the unavoidable focus on safety critical works, this work has unfortunately been delayed.

TfL expects to have further information on the impact of this product on residential and in-carriage noise levels by spring 2021. I have asked that TfL provides you with an update on this work later this year.

Once the evaluation is complete, TfL will provide you with a further update, including on plans to roll out this alternative rail fastening at other locations.
