Cladding Written answers December 2020

Government intervention on EWS1s (2)

Question No: 2020/4461

Andrew Dismore

With the Government training up new EWS1 assessors before addressing the issue of professional indemnity insurance, do you believe they understand how to address safety in London’s built environment?

Government intervention on EWS1s (2)

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 December, 2020

I was very disappointed with the absence of an announcement from the Government on the ongoing professional indemnity issues. Until the Government unlocks the Professional Indemnity Insurance market, the wider system will remain broken. Put simply, those qualified to carry out remedial works essential to addressing this crisis must also have access to sufficient cover.

The prolonged lack of a comprehensive national solution continues to take a heavy toll on many thousands of Londoners – both financially and in terms of their wellbeing. That is why I wrote to the Secretary of State in September regarding EWS1, setting out five urgent steps he must take to solve this issue for both leaseholders and the housing market. I am still yet to receive a response, but their recent announcement will not work in isolation. I will keep pressing for a properly integrated package of measures that fixes the problem once and for all.

Applications to the non-ACM cladding fund

Question No: 2020/4469

Andrew Dismore

How many applications have been made to date to the non-ACM fund under the Building Safety Programme for remediation of buildings in London?

Applications to the non-ACM cladding fund

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 December, 2020

The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) closed the registration process for the Building Safety Fund on 31 July 2020. The GLA is a delivery partner in administering the fund for London.

MHCLG publishes registration statistics for the Building Safety Fund which is available on its website: As of 9 December 2020, MHCLG had passed 151 registrations to the GLA.

Accelerating the removal of ACM cladding

Question No: 2020/4470

Andrew Dismore

What action is your Building Safety Team taking to accelerate progress in removing dangerous cladding from all buildings over 18 metres in London?

Accelerating the removal of ACM cladding

The Mayor

Last updated: 21 December, 2020

The GLA is a delivery partner for three programmes that accelerate the remediation of unsafe buildings over 18 metres in London. In particular, my team has worked closely with central Government and Homes England (delivery partner for buildings outside of London) to streamline the Private Sector ACM Cladding Remediation Fund and the Building Safety Fund such that applications can be progressed at pace. For example, two GLA officers recently provided direct support to MHCLG to help accelerate the Building Safety Fund registration process.

