Joint Letter in Ham & High: Hampstead Police Station

The recent revelation concerning the closure of Hampstead Police Station came as a shock to us both. As recently as July Mayor Johnson released a list of police buildings, including front desk counters that had been earmarked for closure. Hampstead Police Station was not on that list. It is becoming increasingly clear that the public cannot trust this Conservative Mayor or the government on policing. The closure of Hampstead Police Station is a cut to local policing which is totally unacceptable unless alternative premises in the immediate locality are provided.

Camden has already seen a cut of over 11% in fully warranted officers, and a massive reduction of 39% in PCSO’s since the coalition government came to power in 2010.

The Conservative administration had claimed that they will consult local communities prior to any front desk police station closures, yet to date neither of us in our capacities of London Assembly Member or Camden Council Cabinet Member for Community Safety has received any communication about this. We also understand that no consultation has been put out to residents of Hampstead.

In a response to a letter from Andrew Dismore, the Deputy Mayor for Policing (MOPAC) Stephen Greenhalgh refused to confirm what plans he had in place for the future of policing in Camden. When pressed on the future of Albany St and West Hampstead police stations, Greenhalgh stated that these have not been earmarked for closure, but then added “however they form part of the on-going review of the MOPAC estate that we are getting best value”.

Meeting the Conservative and Lib Dem Government and London Mayor’s cuts targets comes before the safety of local communities according to the Conservative Deputy Mayor for Policing.

Andrew Dismore AM, Assembly Member for Barnet & Camden, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk
More London, London SE1 2AA

Cllr Abdul Hai, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Camden Council, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE
