Category Archives: Letters

Ham and High article on Good News

Happy 2021? After 100,000 Covid deaths with thousands more expected, we have a Conservative Government and Prime Minister who prefer ideology ahead of scientific advice, deferring taking difficult public health decisions until it’s too late. With their handbrake U turns, it’s hard to find any good news- and that’s before I mention Brexit, unravelling (not that it was ever ravelled!) […]

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Letter to editors on self isolation

Dear Editor, Baroness Dido Harding, who leads the Government’s struggling Test and Trace scheme, has finally acknowledged what we have known for a long time- that a significant number of people are not self-isolating with COVID-19 symptoms for financial reasons. In fact, a recent Government-funded study has revealed that, during the first lockdown, just 18% of respondents in the UK […]

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