Letter for Publication: Bravanese Somali community centre

Letter for publication

The terrible fire at the Bravanese Somali community centre was a shock to us all. It is a sad reflection that even in Barnet, incidents such as this can occur as the consequence of criminally misguided individuals who try to undermine our tolerant multicultural society, of which we are righty so proud in Barnet. It is clear that the consequences have been entirely the opposite of what the criminal arsonist (assuming it was arson as seems likely) intended.

Everyone has rallied round without exception. The dignified response of the Bravanese Somalis to the tragedy that has befallen them has been matched only by the outpouring of sympathy and offers of help: the first from the local rabbis, on behalf of their synagogues.

What must now happen is that arrangements are made to get the community centre up and running again as quickly as possible. And even more importantly, that the centre is rebuilt, on exactly the same site. I am therefore pleased that across the political divide, the Leader for the Council, Richard Cornelius readily agreed with me when I put this to him at the scene of the fire that afternoon. This is the most appropriate way of demonstrating that our society as a whole will not be intimidated or undermined by those who would seek to divide us.  All they have done is make us stronger in our determination to resist   hate and prejudice.


Yours sincerely

Andrew Dismore

Labour London Assembly member for Barnet and Camden
