Letter for publication: Trade Unionists

Dear editor,

Conservative PM David Cameron’s attack on me the day after my selection meeting as a “union man”, smacks of desperation. It is also an attack on the millions of people who are union members: nurses, shopworkers, cleaning  and catering staff, public servants, and in traditional industries. Unions have changed, and now offer a wide range of services: GMB , my union, offers free legal advice (important with the Conservative Government’s virtual abolition of legal aid), financial advice, and discounts, for example on insurance and heating bills.

I campaign on many issues, some raised by unions, most not: for example overdevelopment in Colindale, weakening of planning control, the plight of the High Street, and in Camden, HS2.

I support union campaigns for a London Living Wage; the FBU’s against the Mayor’s cuts in the fire service; the GMB’s against illegal minicabs; the CWU’s against local post office closures, like in East Barnet; Unison’s and GMB’s against the Council’s “One Barnet” mass selloff of services; and RMT’s, against excessive fare rises and for rail safety- they exposed the recent tube “near miss” on the Mill Hill East branch of the Northern Line. The overwhelming majority of residents support these issues. I back these campaigns, irrespective of union involvement.

The tired old Conservative union bashing is from another era. Whilst there is always room for improvement, unions play a valuable role, standing up for the small person against big Government.

Andrew Dismore

London Assembly member for Barnet and Camden

Labour prospective candidate for Hendon
