Letter to Natural England RE: Exclusive Golf Course to landfill Bury Farm

Dear Mr Wallace,

I am writing to bring to your attention this planning application, to develop existing farmland into a golf course. It is currently in the consultation phase, which is scheduled to expire soon.

In view of the importance of this site to our local wildlife and amenity, I hope that you will be taking a close interest in this, and will yourself on behalf of Natural England file objections with  the planning department.

I am attaching my own formal objections to the council, but set out below an extract from the website of the RSPB:

From RSPB Website:

A planning application to build a golf course in Edgware, north London, has just been lodged. The plans are for a Green Belt site currently used to grow crops and keep horses.  The site is ecologically important, being home to dozens of bird species including rare and endangered species, such as skylarks, linnets, song thrushes and reed buntings. There are at least two breeding pairs of lapwings on the land that is under threat. It is also inhabited by a pair of breeding hobbies, and the RSPB indicated that this species has been breeding here for over 20 years. Other raptors recorded in and around the site include common buzzard, sparrowhawk, red kite, peregrine, and kestrel.  The area is also home to soprano and common pipistrelle and noctule bats, slow worms, grass snakes and great-crested newts. Significant portions of the land are used as winter grazing for horses, and so are rested from May through to November, providing an undisturbed haven for wildlife. 

According to the planning application, all this would be replaced by a man-made landscape, requiring 245,000 sq m of landfill. This is despite the existence of 22 clubs within 5 miles of the site.

There is a stable yard there with 70+ horses who enjoy the rare treat of year-round grazing in London. If this goes ahead Bury Farm, which is a lovely oasis for nature loving city dwellers, will be ruined and it’s hard to imagine what will happen to all the horses, many of whom are retired having lived there all their adult lives.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Dismore

London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden
