Letter for publication: Cllr Evangeli asleep on the job

Dear Editor,

Conservative councillor Evangeli has yet again showed himself to be  out of touch and asleep on the job (letters 27/2/14). If he had not been,  he would know that I have been  involved with the Cat Hill campaign from when I was elected to the Assembly, as the campaigners would confirm. And what’s more, I have been consistent. I didn’t just oppose the environmental devastation of the Cat Hill development just over the border in Enfield, but unlike Cllr Evangeli I also opposed Barnet Conservatives’ scheme to devastate the Welsh Harp with 29 storey tower blocks right next to the water. Destruction of our local environment   should be challenged wherever it occurs, not just where it is politically expedient for the hypocritical Conservative Party of Cllr Evangeli.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Dismore

Labour London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden
