Letter for publication: Marco Polo School

Letter for publication Marco Polo school

Dear editor,

The decision to drop the plans for the Marco Polo school, the announcement of  which was quietly hidden  in the Council’s website, no doubt in an attempt “to  bury bad news” raises many questions Conservative Barnet Council now must  answer:

1  Why was this flagship scheme surreptitiously dropped by the Council and      the EFA and why did the Council try to hush this up: surely not avoid political embarrassment before the local elections?

2  What is the impact on school places for this and next year in the west of the borough , as the school was due to take its first pupils this Autumn?

3  What will the Council now do to take forward the bi-lingual school in a more suitable location, for example the proposed school on the Peel Centre site?

4  Will the Council now stop  the sale of Pavilion Way Fields, as the purpose of the sale was to provide for the Marco Polo school?

5 Will the Council look again at the local residents’ plan to bring Pavilion Way Fields back into use as badly needed football   pitches?

The fact is, arrogant Conservative Barnet Council refused to listen to local people, put all their eggs in Michael Gove’s basket, and that basket has now been shown to be empty. The free school system is a fiasco. Barnet  Conservatives are as incompetent in providing school  places as they are  in everything else. it is time for them to go.

yours sincerely,

Andrew Dismore,

Labour London Assembly member and parliamentary candidate for Hendon

79 the Burroughs

