Letter for publication: West Hendon estate

Dear editor,

So, according to Cllr Cornelius,  ( column, Press 19/2/15) everything is wonderful on the West Hendon estate. Leaseholders will be able to stay. Tenants will be able to stay. Insecure tenants will be able to stay in the area. He must be living in a parallel universe  with a different West Hendon to the one we have here!

He clearly has no grasp  of the facts, relying on what his ‘yes men’ tell him, rather than speak to the residents themselves to find   out the true position. If all is sweetness and light, why is the estate covered in protest banners? Why are the residents resisting so fiercely the CPOs that will take away their homes?  . Conservative politicians are rarer than hens’  teeth on the West Hendon  estate. They haven’t be seen for years- because they could not care less, while they live on in their  cosy Town Hall bubble of uncaring incompetence .

If things are so good in  West Hendon,  Cllr Cornelius, I challenge you to hold a meeting at the West Hendon Community Centre ( if you can find it)  for residents only  , to hear at first hand  what they think of you and your scheme, which is destroying their community for the benefit  of wealthy overseas speculators.


Yours sincerely

Andrew Dismore

Labour Parliamentary candidate  for Hendon

London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden
