Joint letter to editors on 13 bus
Please see below joint letter from Tulip Siddiq, MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, myself, local Councillors and activists to local papers regarding the 13 bus consultation:
We, as local Labour Party representatives and activists, are writing to urge Transport for London to reconsider their proposed plans for changes to bus routes along the Finchley Road. TfL intends to rename the 82 bus the ‘13’ and to scrap the current 13 route. This would mean that there would be both a reduction in the frequency of buses along the Finchley Road between Childs Hill and St John’s Wood, and that some areas such as Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square would no longer be directly accessible.
The reduction in frequency would be particularly noticeable at peak hours; buses along the Finchley Road are already crowded at these times, and a decrease in the service will exacerbate this problem. Furthermore, there are several large-scale developments underway around the affected area. This means that demand for frequent public transport will be increasing, just as the service is being cut back. There is also the possibility that residents may be increasingly reluctant to use overly crowded buses and instead start making their journeys by car thus adding to congestion, noise and air pollution in the long-term.
Fewer routes available means more changes for passengers. These can be particularly difficult for the elderly and the disabled. We believe that Transport for London should be working to make public transport more accessible for those with mobility issues, not less.
Local residents can view these proposals and have until 30th September to let TfL know their thoughts at:
There is also an online petition against these proposals at:
Tulip Siddiq, MP for Hampstead and Kilburn
Andrew Dismore, AM for Barnet and Camden
Cllr. Douglas Beattie
Cllr. Maryam Eslamdoust
Cllr. Thomas Gardiner
Cllr. Richard Olszewski
Cllr. Phil Rosenberg
Cllr. Lorna Russell
Cllr. James Yarde
Vicky Album (Hampstead and Kilburn CLP Vice-Chair)
Tara Aleck
Geoff Berridge (Hampstead and Kilburn CLP Chair)
Katherine Bligh (Hampstead and Kilburn CLP Vice-Chair)
Jack Boardman
Mike Katz (former Kilburn Cllr.)
Allan Kerr
Sienna Marla
Thomas Muirhead
Joan Munro
Pauline Ryan
Peter Tahiri (Hampstead and Kilburn CLP Secretary)