December report: Policing
You may have thought that after the Chancellor’s unexpected news in the Autumn statement, the Met. Police finances were out of the woods. The cuts risk was very serious.
However problems remain. They still face £400 million in cuts on top of the £600 million so far. I have prepared a briefing on this.
letter for publication: police cuts still not avoided
The Police Grant Settlement is welcome, but Camden and Barnet’s PCSOs are still at risk.
I have also launched a new petition to save neighbourhood policing and the other emergency services, which please sign if you can, and encourage others to do so too.
Post the tragic Paris murders, I questioned the Met. Deputy Commissioner on hate crimes and security for Mosques and Synagogues.
And I called for extra protection for places of worship.
In the Police Committee transcript you can see I raised security post Paris ( p4), the implications of the budget , including for ‘crowd sourcing’. (p23 et seq and p 33), modern slavery ( p35), and untaxed vehicles (p40).
The Police and Crime Committee has just started a new inquiry into the impact of alcohol on policing the Night Time Economy.
In the transcript of the committee proceedings read my questions from page 12, including of particular Camden interest.
I also raised the usual range of written police questions for the Mayor’s policing answers in November 2015.